Youth for Human Rights International
National PSA Campaign PSA #1 – DON’T DISCRIMINATE


A group of middle-school aged kids are picking teams in the golden afternoon light. One kid is far smaller than the rest, with glasses and short shorts and generally a geeky appearance—the two team captains are blatantly not picking him. 

Eventually all the kids are picked and he’s the only one left, and they just look at him and snicker. He walks away, but as he does, he sees the soccer ball in front of him. 

With a tremendous THWACK, he kicks the ball across the field, over the other kids’ heads, scoring a dramatic goal. 

Everyone turns. 

There is a deathly moment of silence; everyone stares in amazement. Then suddenly everyone comes running over to be on his team, leaving the two team captains alone, speechless. 

Title card: Human Right #2: Don’t Discriminate. 

Title card: What are human rights? Find out at