
  1. To teach students about the different basic types of shots and camera angles they can use to film their PSAs. 

  2. To provide them with practical experience filming types of shots. 

  3. To instruct them how to create a shot list for their PSAs to accompany their storyboards.  



  1. Key Vocabulary 10 min. 

  2. Attention-getter 5 min. 

  3. Discussion 15 min. 

  4. Activity 20 min. 

  5. Assignment 5 min. (in class), 20 min. (at home)

    Total time: 55 min (+20 min homework)

Teacher Preparation:

  1. Set up audiovisual equipment needed to play the “Don’t Discriminate” PSA. 

  2. Ensure you have enough copies of the “Don’t Discriminate” Storyboard for each student to have one. 


  • Remind students to bring their storyboards to this class meeting so that they can use it in the activity. 

  • Make sure that you can pause the “Don’t Discriminate” PSA at the appropriate times to show students the different types of shots. You may want to try it out once or twice to ensure that you can easily pause the video at the right moments.