
  1. To define the term “PSA” and explore what makes PSAs effective. 

  2. To establish interest and a general familiarity with the subject.



  1. Key Vocabulary 5 min.

  2. Attention-getter 15 min. 

  3. Discussion 10 min. 

  4. Activity (Optional) 15 min. 

  5. Assignment 5 min. (in class), 15 min. (homework) 

Total Time 50 min. (+15 min at home assignment)

Teacher Preparation:

  1. Set up computer and audiovisual equipment (projector, etc. if needed) to show PSAs

  2. Watch five sample PSAs. 

  3. Have paper and pencils ready for students to take notes during discussions.


  • Ensure that students have a full, conceptual understanding of the term “PSA” by having them make sentences with this term and clarifying each word within the acronym as needed (for example, if they don’t understand what “Public Service” is, they will have trouble grasping PSA). 

  • You are free to find additional PSAs that you think would be particularly relevant to your students.