LA River Bike Path Rehab Funding Approved

Repairs Imminent for Section of Bike Path Near the Ferraro Fields

Cyclists will soon have smooth pedaling ahead on the LA River Bike Path near the Ferraro soccer fields. Once the Department of Recreation and Parks approves the laydown area permit, contractors will begin repairs on hazardous sections of the bike path sometime this winter.

These speedy repairs (at least for the City of Los Angeles) are thanks to advocacy for the last year and a half by SAFE, PAA, and the local cycling community.  Thank you to Councilwoman Nithya Raman and District 4 for their efforts to push the project forward.  The rehabilitation process will address repairs such as long, deep fissures in the concrete, potholes, and large bumps. As construction gets underway, hard closures will go into effect on the bike path in this area. SAFE will notify readers on social media and in this newsletter when the lane closure dates are finalized and when construction is expected to be completed, so keep checking your inbox for updates. 

The most hazardous section of the LA River Bike Path will be closed and rehabilitated and begins at the historic Riverside/Zoo Drive Bridge, where it bends south at Ferraro Soccer fields and continues for about 1.5 miles. This is welcome news for cyclists who will soon be able to safely take in the beautiful views of the many migratory birds without worrying about hitting dangerous bumps, fissures, or potholes. 

We hope it will be ready in time for Finish The Ride Griffith Park on the 7th of April, 2024, so you can enjoy our annual signature ride even more!


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