Streets Are For Everyone

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PSA Guidelines and Rules

As participants in this program, your students will produce a 30-second PSA from start to finish (see point 8 below for more specifics on length). They will be responsible for coming up with a concept, storyboarding it, writing a script, filming their PSA, editing it and presenting it (via on-line submission form) to a panel of esteemed film industry experts for judging.

Throughout this process, students will have several opportunities to receive feedback and mentoring from these experts.

All PSAs must meet the following criteria:

  1. First and foremost, be creative! Your imagination is the limit on how you portray your chosen topic. Including, but not limited to, news-style reporting, acting out a specific scenario, scenic without actors, animated, etc.

  2. The topic is chosen from SAFE’s provided list or specially approved during registration (there is a section for this). The treatment must then be approved as part of registration.

  3. Students are put into groups by their teachers and compete in that one group. Each student may contribute in any way they can: whether through scriptwriting, editing, acting, or other function. It takes a team!

  4. The word "accident" is not language used in reference to traffic incidents. It makes them sound “inevitable” and, by implication, not preventable when, in fact, they are. Instead, the neutral terms "collision" or "crash” should be used.

  5. In making your PSA, the laws of your area must be followed, and no lives endangered. This would include using a seatbelt, not speeding, not driving distracted or under the influence, and other such regulations. Use your imagination and artistry to portray traffic violations without breaking them yourself. Keep your creative team and your fellows safe. (Any PSA that violates this will be automatically disqualified.)

  6. Your PSA may not contain language or content that would prohibit it from being aired on national television.

  7. PSAs must be non-discriminatory. They may not portray any particular ethnicity, gender orientation, or religion in a negative light. Be kind and inclusive in your creations.

  8. PSAs are to be 30 seconds (or slightly shorter) in length, including a 4-5 second closing graphic with a SAFE logo and acknowledgement to program sponsors (provided by SAFE).

  9. PSAs are to be original content. If they contain borrowed footage, music, lyrics, etc permission must be attained for their use with permission sent to Streets, Art, SAFE. By sending in your submission you are agreeing that you have the rights to all footage, music, lyrics, etc or have secured permission for their use.

  10. Follow local laws and regulations concerning COVID-19 safety precautions if they are in effect.

  11. Students of winning entries (or a representative) must be in attendance at the Streets, Art, SAFE Red Carpet Awards Ceremony in order to receive their award. Notifications will be sent out in advance of those who are nominated.